With unparalleled care and attention, we ensure the quality of our products at every step. Our products are manufactured in production facilities located in Greece and in countries within the European Union.
active substance
primary use
With unparalleled care and attention, we ensure the quality of our products at every step.
Our products are manufactured at Bros facilities and other factories located in Greece and in countries of the European Union. We strictly select production units to ensure that all production facilities adhere to GMP rules, while we have a modern warehouse and distribution centre for the storage and safekeeping of products, ensuring timely customer service.
Our Company’s warehouse-distribution centre is located in the Koropi Industrial Park (VIP Koropi) and covers an area of 2,500 m². It is certified with GMP-GDP by the National Organization for Medicines.
In May 2018, Vocate acquired its own production facility by purchasing the Pharmaceutical industry BrosBros has a 2,000 m² production facility in Attica, certified with GMP. It has the capacity to produce multiple pharmaceutical forms, such as tablets, capsules, injectable liquids, dry injectables, suspensions, semisolids, etc. In addition, the Bros production facility offers a range of pharmaceutical products, including 6 OTC (over-the-counter) medications.
See more on the Bros website